AlexRudniyFairleigh Dickinson University
AndreyRzhetskyDepts. of Medicine and Human Genetics, University of Chicago
DoheonLeeKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
DokyunNaChung-Ang University
FeifanLiuUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gwan-SuYiKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
HojungNamGwangju Institute of Science and Technology
HyunjuLeeGwangju Institute of Science and Technology
SunjaeLeeGwangju Institute of Science and Technology
InhoParkGangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
JakeChenUniversity of Alabama
MakotoMiwaToyota Technological Institute
ManabuToriiKaiser Permanente
MeenakshiMishraUniversity of Kansas
MinSongYonsei University
SunyongYooChonnam National University
OlivierBodenreiderUS National Library of Medicine
SangwooKimYonsei University College of Medicine
SonDoanKaiser Permanente
SouravS BhowmickNanyang Technological University
SungrohYoonSeoul National University
SungwonJungGachon University School of Medicine
TatsuyaAkutsuKyoto University
JunhoKimSungkyunkwan University
TudorGrozaThe Garvan Institute of Medical Research
VijayShankerUniversity of Delaware
VincenzoCutelloUniversity of Catania
WeiXiongNorthwest Missouri State University
ZoranObradovicTemple University
LiLiaoUniversity of Delaware
ClaireNédellecInstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique
YongdeukHwangThe University of Suwon
JinmyungJungThe University of Suwon
HyojungPaikKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
SejoonLeeSeoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea
RuibinXiPeking University, China
LeePusan National University
Chonnam National University
Gyeongsang National University